What Beans are Best for the Chemex Coffee Maker?

November 16, 2023

What Beans are Best for the Chemex Coffee Maker?


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Coffee enthusiasts worldwide are always on the quest for the perfect cup of coffee. And many ask what beans are best for the Chemex coffee maker?

The Chemex coffee maker, invented by Peter Schlumbohm in 1941, has been a favorite among coffee lovers due to its unique ability to extract the most delicious coffee from the best coffee beans. This brew method, which uses thick paper filters, is a great way to enjoy a crisp brew with unique flavors. However, the type of coffee used plays a significant role in the final result. So, what beans are best for the Chemex coffee maker?

What Beans are Best for the Chemex Coffee Maker?

Choosing the best coffee beans for your Chemex brewer involves considering several factors such as the origin of the coffee, roast levels, and grind size.

Single-origin coffee is an excellent choice for Chemex brewing as these beans boast unique flavors that are accentuated by the Chemex recipe. These coffees come from specific regions and possess tasting notes specific to their origin.

When it comes to roast, both light roasts and medium roast beans can work well with the Chemex coffee maker. However, the best results are often achieved with a medium-coarse grind. This is because the Chemex filters are thicker than standard paper filters, requiring a coarser grind for the hot water to pass through effectively.

Using a burr grinder rather than a blade grinder will ensure the correct grind size. Burr grinders offer greater control and consistency, ensuring that your coffee grounds are just right for the brewing process.

Top Coffee Origins for Chemex

Different coffee beans from different origins can provide different flavors and experiences. Here are some of the best coffee origins for brewing with Chemex.

Peruvian Coffee

Peruvian coffee is known for its rich flavors and balanced acidity. It is an excellent choice for the Chemex brewer as it produces a clean, flavorful coffee.

Brazilian Coffee

Brazilian coffee is famous for its chocolatey, nutty flavors. Its medium body and low acidity make it a great coffee bean for the Chemex.

Kenyan Coffee

Kenyan coffee is renowned for its bright acidity and complex flavors of berries and citrus. This strong coffee goes particularly well with the Chemex brewing method.

Guatemalan Coffee

Guatemalan coffee offers rich, full-bodied coffee with notes of chocolate and spice. It works exceptionally well with the Chemex coffee maker.

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopian coffee is known for its light, fruity, and wine-like flavors. It’s an excellent choice for those who prefer a lighter, more aromatic coffee.

Costa Rican Coffee

Costa Rican coffee is famous for its smooth body and bright acidity, with tasting notes ranging from fruity to nutty.

Does Chemex reduce acidity?The Best Coffee Roast For Chemex

While the choice of coffee roast is largely a matter of personal preference, medium roast beans are often recommended for the Chemex coffee maker. Medium roasts strike a perfect balance between acidity and body, allowing for a flavorful yet balanced cup. Dark roast, while it can be used, may result in a coffee taste that’s too strong for some using this brew method.

The Best Grind Size For Chemex

The best grind size for Chemex is medium-coarse. A finer grind could lead to over-extraction and a bitter taste, while a coarse grind might under-extract the coffee, leading to a weak flavor. Burr grinders are the best coffee grinder for achieving the correct grind size consistently.

How to Make Coffee with Chemex

Brewing coffee with a Chemex coffee maker involves a few steps. First, place the thick paper filter in the top of the Chemex, ensuring that the three-layered side is facing the spout. This prevents air from being trapped and allows the coffee to drain properly.

Next, add your coffee grounds to the filter. A good rule of thumb is to use about 15 grams of coffee for every 250 grams of water. Then, slowly pour hot water (ideally around 200°F) over the grounds, starting in the center and moving outwards in concentric circles. This should take about 4 minutes.

Once all the water has filtered through, remove and discard the filter. Now, your delicious coffee is ready to be enjoyed.

Other Great Coffee Beans

While the origins mentioned above are some of the best, there are plenty of other great coffee beans that can be used with the Chemex coffee maker. Some of these include Colombian coffee, known for its balanced flavor and medium body, and Honduran coffee, which offers a rich, full-bodied taste with notes of chocolate and caramel.

Learn More About Brewing Coffee at Home

Brewing coffee at home with a Chemex coffee maker is a rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you to experiment with different coffee beans and brewing methods, but it also gives you complete control over the brewing process. From adjusting the grind size and water temperature to measuring the correct amount of coffee and water, you can tweak every aspect to create your perfect cup of coffee.

Conclusion: What Beans are Best for the Chemex Coffee Maker?

The best beans for the Chemex coffee maker are typically single-origin, medium roast beans with a medium-coarse grind. However, the ultimate choice depends on personal preference. Whether you prefer strong coffee from Kenya or a more subtle flavor from Ethiopia, the Chemex coffee maker is capable of extracting the most delicious coffee from your chosen beans.


Why is Chemex coffee so good?

Chemex coffee is so good because the brewing process allows for the true flavor of the coffee beans to shine through. The thick paper filters remove oils and impurities, resulting in a clean, crisp brew.

Does Chemex keep coffee hot?

While the Chemex coffee maker is not designed to keep coffee hot for long periods, it can keep it warm for a short period of time. To keep your coffee hot for longer, consider using a coffee warmer or a thermal carafe.

Does Chemex reduce acidity?

Yes, the Chemex brewing method can reduce the acidity of the coffee. The thick paper filter traps most of the coffee’s oils, which are responsible for a significant amount of acidity in coffee.

So, whether you are a seasoned coffee enthusiast or just starting your journey, the Chemex coffee maker is a great way to explore the world of coffee. It offers a unique brewing method that extracts the best flavors from the best coffee beans, providing a coffee experience like no other.


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